Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Slumdong's Oscar and the Post Mortem

When I was with my previous company one of my senior colleague used to say that we Indian are always good in Post Mortem. What he means is - if there is problem he spent the whole night to solve, his managers will question him about the problem and try to understand the root cause, but they never take any steps to prevent the same problem happening in the future. They keep on talking without any solution at all. Eventually that problem would be forgotten when the next one comes. He used to say that post mortem is common with almost all the Indians, they love to discuss something without any logical conclusion back and forth.

I remembered the conversation I had with him when I was watching the debate of whether India could take credit for the "Slumdog Milloinaire" oscars. Slumdog is basically a movie out of a Vikas Swarup novel about a rags to riches story. A R Rahman and Resul Pokutty won Oscars for their work in the film. The film went on to win 8 Oscars in total.

As soon as the Oscars are announced, a debate was started by most of the TV channels - whether India should rejoice about the oscar got by Rahman and Resul. I really don't understand what is so sentimental about it. Rahman got the oscars for the Music and the song, Resul for his sound mixing. It is not one of Rahman's best, but the fact is, it is the best out of the nominated ones. Rahman and Resul got their awards for their individual brillance in a global stage. We should be rejoicing. Getting nominated to Oscars is a collective factor. Although many mediocore movies have got the award before, more than one award would be given only for deserving movies. The fact that the Slumdog got 8 oscars is itself says that movie was loved by many, atleast among the judges.

I am sure if not Slumdog, Rahman would have done it with another international movie soon. Even I don't think Slumdog is a great movie and all, but it has a feel good factor and optimism. May be in this gloomy recession, many might have felt the optimism touching. Let's not post mortem their success - let us just enjoy the victory and glory of Rahman and Resul at the global stage. A big bow to both of them.

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