Sunday, November 30, 2008

Update after a long time:
I has been more than 6 months since I have wrote my last entry here. Very few people have been able to make a come back blogging successfully after a long break. I really hope to join the successful ones - lets see how does it goes.

India Wounded:

It has been 2 weeks after one of the worst terrorist attack against India, the was one of the worst 3 day. It is nothing new for India to face a terrorist attack, what made it worse is that it dragged for 3 days with people watching in horror as the brave commandos and the police were fighting the terrorists. All the previous incidents would spread across the country only in the aftermath of the incident, but in this case the whole country was watching it live and in horror. It was horrific to watch the videos of the terrorists shooting the innocents and fighting the Army. I know Mumbai will be on its leg in a day or two, but the city is never the same again. Until the government and the security agencies prove to the people that they are really vigilant, taking necessary and sensible step to curb this menace, I think people is not going to feel safe in Mumbai. I think India had one too many lessons in terrorism and should have taken steps to keeping its people safe. Hope the new Home Minister does something to improve it.

The most logical outcome of this 3 day ordeal was a huge public anger against the politicians which was evident on candle vigil that happened on all the major cities across the country. I sincerely hope something really good comes out of this anger, some real leaders emerge instead of the current uneducated, bureaucratic, rich politicians.

In the Silicon Valley:

I have traveled to California for a project for 2 months and will be back in India by 1st week of Jan. California is an amazing place with great weather and it is just perfect for run. Though I have traveled on for a project, the general mood in Silicon valley is gloomy and very tense. There were lot of lay offs in the past one month and company's are generally struggling to survive. If at all the Auto Makers, (GM, Ford and Chrysler) did not get any bailout packages, US will head to a huge depression which might take years to come out.

My work here isn't that great either, but my stay is absolutely wonderful. I have been staying with my cousin's family and we have been traveling around a lot. It feels as if I have been for vacation rather than work. It has been two years since I last met my cousin and she was a just overly excited to show me all her favourite places in the country, I just have to reminder that I am here for work.

Trip to Los Angeles:

The week before Jaswanth was to leave to India we had a trip to Los Angeles. It was a great trip with Arun, Arun(#2), Jaswanth and Yathin.

Me and Arun at Universal Studios

Arun, Jess, Me and Arun

At the horror House

Arun with Pricess Fiona

Jess and Me

Most interestingly, Yathin is Jaswanth's friend from School and they have not met in the last 14 yrs. Everything in LA seems to be so huge and for anyone being in LA for the first time will feel surreal.

Trip to Lake Tahoe and Reno:

My Anna's family and me went to Reno and Lake Tahoe for the Thanksgiving weekend.

It was my first trip to a real casino and a gambling. I lost some $300 that night, but it was still fun.

1 comment:

Kavitha said...

Welcome back! Its good to read your thoughts. Keep at it :)