Sunday, February 03, 2008

Innocent Questions:

It is quite amazing some of the questions the kids asks there parents these days. Some of the them will be really be amusing, some annoying and Some of the questions will forever be echoing on long. I heard one of such questions from my nephew Adhi, a seven old.

My sister and my Brother in law had planned to go to Thirupathi for their 10th wedding anniversary. They had purchased ticket for a special darshan early in the morning by 2.00 AM. So I called them up
around 8.00 in the morning to wish. I was talking to my sister over the phone after wishing her, then suddenly she started lauginhig out aloud. I could hear Adhi talking but could not hear properly. When I
asked about that my sister told, that it is a long story and not for the phone. She invited me for lunch, and told that we will discuss that over the lunch.

When I went there, she narrated me the following. In my newphew's world, there are only 3 languages, Tamil, English and Hindi. So he was confused when he heard a different language. He was some what terrified with the rough crowd inside the temple. He kept on asking why there was not any tamil written around the temple. His mother explained that they are in another town where they speak a language called telugu. So he took it as a game to find out places where it is written in Tamil. After finishing off the darshan and coming to the room came to her and asked "Mom you told that these people will talk in Telgu right?" his mother replied "Yes". He asked again "Then how will the God in the temple will understand what we pray in Tamil?". That was when she broke in a laughter over the phone. When I heard this even I started to laugh hard.

My sister told me about one more question Adhi asked before leaving to temple. They did not inform Adhi that they are going to temple until the last moment since he had a half day of school. So when my sister explained that they will going to a place called Thirupathi, he asked why they are going there. When she replied that they are going for darshan of God, he shot back "Come on Mom, you have a room full of statues and photos of God and why do you want to go a temple and pray. Isn't it enough that you do your prayer from here, why do you have to go there? She was dump struck for some time and gave a usual parental answer to go and ask his Dad the same question. I guess no one will be willing to answer this question :-)


dharmabum said...

they do bowl us one of their googlies, don't they?

Lakshmi said...

intelligent nephew..incidentally, I still havent got an answer to the second question fm anyone :)

Anonymous said...

Why do we go to the temple to pray God while we have a whole room of Gods at home? An intelligent, smart & amazing question indeed. But thats how we want our kids to be right? Kids do make us think and think hard for a plausible answer, that satisfies their curiosity logically. I guess if he had asked me this question, this would be my answer. At home we have photos and statues of God like we have a family Album. Whenever we want to see our families, we checkout the album. But for vacation we go back home to be with them in their place right? Like that everyone can have God's photos at home and see Him, talk to Him and Pray whenever we need. but for special occasions we go to His place to visit him. I am sure this answer will bring in more questions like why we have so many temples (many homes for Gods), if so let me know, I'll have another answer!! :)