Monday, August 20, 2007

A Refereshing Book on 'C':

I never thought that any of the authors of book on C would have a bit of sense of Humor and a book I was reading now changed that. I thought that geeks usually have shed their humor when they were banging their heads on the computers during their university days intead of partying and going out with their girl friends. This theory of mine has been true in almost all the geeks that I respect. But I got a pleasent surprise yesterday, that too accidently.

I forgot to pay my internet bill for the last month and i remembered that only when I could not logon. When I was trying to figure out what to do, a book got my attention( this book was in the last of the heap and got in to top when I shifted to a new residence at T.Nagar). The name of the book was "Expert C Programming, Deep C Secrets, by Peter Van Der Linden", which was presented to me by a pal last year. I was really sceptical whether I would go beyond few pages like many of the technical books I bought. But this one was refreshing and funny from the page one. The author is a C Guru, who has written C compiler, and the book is full of funny ancedotes.

Some of the best I liked,
* A $20 Million order was held to a bug which was traced to something like this, x == 2(this ought to be x = 2).
* Bugs section in tunefs of SVr4 Unix.
* How Steve Bourne converted the C in Algol equivalent with the preprocessors, and the response he gave, that he thought that nobody other than him would see the code.

The book was very interesting with lot of niche details about C coding, which was quite exciting to know. I was forced to stop reading as I had to hit the bed early as I do not want to
miss my run tomorrow. Hopefully i will complete this book soon.

Recommedation: This book is surely for those who wants to know the nuances of C and master it.

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