Sunday, July 30, 2006

A Lasting Peace:
(A conversation between Me and Myself)

The sane mind failed to understand and asked me, how gruesome violence against the innocent civilians would the end the violence Israel’s people are facing? I believed that I have found Israel’s intentions of peaceful Middle East. I told the sane mind that Israel wants to run over the adjacent countries and kill every inhabitants, the men (innocent or Hezbollah), women, children. That’s it; the people of Israel will have everlasting peace from the terrorist who fires rocket in to their country. That was a good plan from the part of Israel.

The sane mind accepted the argument as a good one, but countered it with other questions. Isn’t the killing of the innocent people an act of terrorism and why the leaders of the world were unable to do anything to loss of the innocent lives and the act of terror against the people who wanted nothing of this sort?

I explained to the sane mind that in the modern world of today America is the only country and the American life is the only innocent life in the world. As long as Israel has the support of the America, they can kill the innocent (from my point of view, of course) and establish their way of peace in the region. Also, the act of terror and self defense in the modern world are also defined by Uncle Sam, and they are calling the current act by Israel as an act of self defense and you got to accept it.

The sane mind was crying when it heard about the ride that happened yesterday which has killed about 54 citizens, most of them are old women and children. On seeing the sane mind, even I was afraid that I would break down. But the typical male ego prevented me from breaking down and put up a brave face. He asked me amid the tears, isn’t the purpose of the UN to stop these killings? Isn’t these instances like this and Iraq occupation without the UN interference defeating the very purpose of the UN existence?

I was silent for a few minutes thinking, as I was bowled by this question. The sane mind continued to speak as I was silent. I fail to understand how any body would be so stupid in today’s media world to massacre and call this as an act of self defense. They are only alienating themselves from the rest of the world, as they failed to understand the purpose of the America in this regards. Tomorrow, when the accusations starts pointing towards Israel for the devastation it has caused, US will distance itself from the act and Israel will be only one taking the blame, where as the US will be root cause. If at all the US had called for a truce at the beginning of the conflict so many innocents lives would have been saved and millions of worth infrastructure would have been saved. The hatred towards the Jews and the Jewish state are growing at hearts the peace loving people around the world. Anybody cannot escape from the history of violence they have caused or created, Israel and US, the real architects of the violence at the Middle East will be paying the price for their history of violence.

I was stunned when the sane mind completed its views about the international politics. I have failed completely to understand the chain of thoughts of sane mind, but he has created a thought process in me to think about the Middle East crisis. I was ashamed that I did not feel the same about the innocent lives lost as the sane mind, but after all I am a ordinary human being and he is a sane mind?

I heard the sane mind murmur; will the humans ever stop killing each other to live peacefully? Will we ever……

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Impressive presentation of the eternal dilemma. Today it is between Isreal and Lebanon. Look into the pages of history, we always see bloodshed and violence. The basic cause will always be superiority between the two major religions in the world.

I believe you had a chance to read Angels and demons, by Dan Brown.That book, I believe sheds a very subtle light into the the modern world conflicts.

If ever the conversation between "me and myself", has happened in the minds of the so called leaders of the world,both in politics & religion, the world today would be a Peaceful place to live.