Monday, December 25, 2006

Golden Heart:

Many a times we would have seen celebrities doing their bit to the society, and doing a bit to themselves to their image. But very few times we have seen a celebrity is showing the humane face without much thought about his fame or image. I saw a news about once such celebrity today. Roger Fedrer, the man who plays the tennis in an almost inhuman way and who is thought as the man who is taking tennis to the next level was in cuddalore as an ambassdor for Unicef for the Tsunami fund collection. He met with the Tsunami orphans and spend some time with them. What actually caught my attention was the news that during a news conference he refused to answer questions regarding his career, stating that he is here for a noble cause. You may not be able to see, but feel from the news paper article, when someone is being sarcastically prasied and someone is really being celebrated by the media.

Roger was in the latter categroy, being celebrated by the media for his humane side. The way he expressed his feeling after meeting with the children was moving. Almost all the children would have heard his name for the first time, but the rapport he created with the children drew the praise from the media, and especially a 3 year old child which never left his lap till he left the orphanage.

I was inspired by this particular news. Hope this info inspires the many celebrities around the world to do their bit to the world and to the people who are in greater need and in distress than India. If at all everybody do a bit for the well being of their fellow human being the world will become a better place to live.